Monday, 11 January 2016

A better life with dreaming

Dreaming may be considered as hobby for some people, it can be daydream or dreaming while we sleep. This morning, I got a chance to read an awesome post in Teded Tumblr  about the reason why we dream. In this post, they describe seven theories of dreaming reasons. Maybe the most popular theory is our dream represents about our unconcious thought, it can be fear, wish, goal, or expectation. But then I am really interested in that theories out of that.

In this article, they said that we dream to remember and solve problem. To remember and to solve the problem may have similarity. Researchers have done the experiment about solving a maze. The subject was asked to solve a maze, then after the first experience, they were divided into three groups, the awake group, the sleeping without dreaming about maze group, and the sleeping and dreaming about the maze group. The result showed that in the second attempt the group who dreamt about the maze when they were sleeping performed ten times better than the group who thought about solving the maze awake and slept without dreaming about it. Another case, they said, the chemist August Kekule discovered the structure of benzene from the effectiveness of dreaming to solve the problem. This gives me motivations to have a thought about several problem that I want to solve and take it into the dream. It sounds unhealty but it may have a chance to success, so why don't give it a try?!

Well, the thought was mixed up. Don't trust me easily. Just check it here and have a nice reading.

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